Saturday, January 15, 2011


It is usual phenomena to see early in every year, when the school start its session, parents and the children were busy to prepare for the school. Schooling in todays world become the necessary and compulsary for every human life. In detailed, Education today is very important for human being. Education is believed as the stage of human development. Maria Montessori believe that education should start from the early child age. And for year 2011, 3 of my nephew, will facing the new world of school (How fun they are!!) hope the can face all the challenge very well.. Haziq, Zafran and Syakir.. Pak Teh pray for your success k??!!!

Every students was different, some might be very polite, but others could become very hyper in class.. And this is the challenge for teachers to find what is the best way to 'tackle' the students. It is really hard to have the conducive teaching and learning process because every student have their own way. If the teachers are not aware, it might be stressful!!

Learn how many teaching models, theories & instructional method, students psychology or anything relate to education. Everything look simple and easy to do. However, when u need to apply in the real class, everything become hard, and maybe terrible! Its not impossible, but that the truth, the challenges that we need to face.

So, it is not weird, to hear the teacher leave the class and cry when they can't control the class. (This is true story!). Just a story that has been passed on in my experience as a teacher for 7 years in 3 school. It is how the teacher being bullied by the students because she can't handle the class.. (pity to this new teacher..), but for me, I was also teaching the same class, the students was not the problem students, although their academic achievement were average. For me, the best way to handle and control the students is by become one of them. I'm using the 'friendly' approach and Alhamdulillah, i am enjoying teaching the the class very much.. For me, if u sincere with the job, the passionate of the work will conquere the state of mind!

What can i conclude is, The main problem for the new teachers are class controlling. Once, u master it, InsyaAllah, everything is possible.. But not to forget. That is just one problem faced. Are we welcome to other challenges, my teacher-to-be friends? Think it back my friends!! Hehe.. Ok, see u again with the new post, next week.. InsyaAllah..

"If everything aren't improving, then we are living without learning..."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Alhamdulillah, Finally I have my own blog.. This would be the best way how i can express my words, feelings, opinions and maybe some suggestion on the world of where i belongs to, it is... WORLD OF EDUCATION. Millions of thankful, to my Lecturer, Dr. Johan @ Eddy Luaran, the one who inspire me to create this blog (To be honest, the one who give the task for me and all my PJK's friends to create the blog as our assignment for the subject of Instructional Technology [EDU 455]). To my family members, who never stop encourage and give the support for me to become not only the teacher but the one who can lighten up others life, and they believe i had made the right choice because become a teacher would be the most noble career in this world. This is the best way how we can spread and share my knowledge to others. And finally, to all my PJK's friend, who will become a teacher. Hope that all the moment we share together give the best memories before we face the true world of education.

As a students in Faculty of Education, we are bound with the issues of education around the world. There are many things that we need to know about an education. And our task is to post any kind of words regarding the knowledge, education, motivation and many things as the preparation before we become a teacher, one day. As a future teacher, of course it is necessary for us to know the issue regarding the education. This is the reason why this blog had been created. It will talk about any issue in education, some motivation words as "wake up call", my opinions and suggestion in each issue, the reflection of the issue itself, and the perspective from my own view. Hope it can be as reference source for others. It is my pleasure to hear any comments, point of view, suggestion and constructive critics for my own benefit.

World of Education will facing lot of issues such as students discipline, using of technology, syllabus content, early childhood education, classroom management, disabilities learning, sex education, students achievement in academic and many more, which we can hear every year, Government facing lot of difficulties to upgrade or improvise the education system in Malaysia to ensure that our students able to compete with the outsiders and the global. From here, we as future educators should breaking the ice and think out of the box, to become the teacher who are not only teaching, but inspiring the students.

As a final words, InsyaAllah, for the next coming 14 weeks, I will able to have a blog with lot of knowledge sources which everyone can use for the education purpose. And it is my hope also to have the blog which can express my words in proper manner. At first hand, i hope that any words that i had posted and will post in my blog, if hurt any parties feeling, i claim for the apologise. This is only my point of view and perspective. It is my pleasure to hear any comments from all the followers.

"Knowledge is the antidote to fear!"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

IMBASAN 2010 - Demam

2010 mmg byk tinggalkn kenangan pd aku (every year pun ckp camtu..) but then, klau cerita pasal demam, aku pun tk sangka, tahun ni at least 6 times aku demam + sakit.. n aku klau sakit, mmg seminggu gak laa... demam ni pd aku, adalah benda yg paling aku cuba elakkan.. mak aku pernah ckp, aku klau demam sgt teruk.. menyusahkan!! so, aku kesian kt mak, tgh2 mlm berjaga nk pastikan aku okey.. mmg kecik2 dulu, aku jarang demam, tp sekali demam sgt melampau!! haha!!

2010 ni, mungkin sbb faktor umur kot.. antibodi dh tk kuat nk lwn demam, tp kata org demam ni bagus, sahabat Nabi S.A.W pun menangis apabila mendapati dirinya tak demam dlm seminggu, krn demam tanda Tuhan ingat pd kita.. (Syukur...), demam jugak penghilang dosa2 kecil.. (alhamdulillah), dn demam membolehkan kita berehat dari aktiviti dn merenung sejenak kehidupan kita yang terlalu sibuk sehingga kdg2 terlupa dgn kewajipan.. dan demam laa yg menjadi peringatannya..

tp aku, ttp dgn aktiviti ku, walau demam aku tetap gagah ke kuliah.. tk sanggup nk ambil MC (atau sebenarnya malas nk ke pusat kesihatan). ditegur oleh pensyarah pun aku gagahkan juga diri krn masih di semester 1.. ada rakan ku kata, perubahan aku sgt ketara jika demam sebab aku akan jd sgt pasif.. (nampak sgt yg aku ni hyper ye..)

semasa cuti semester dn mengajar di sk jln u3 pun, demam gak, but this is my passion.. aku ghairah bergelar ckgu, semua tu aku tolak ke tepi.. malah tidak pernah sekali pun aku ponteng sepanjang bergelar guru..

kemudian di semester 2 pun aku demam lg.. bile miss fatin n miss farhana tegur rasa bahagia gak demam ni coz ada gak org yg take care ttg kita kn??.. n selain demam, sakit gigi.. Fuh!!!! this is the most terrible disease yg aku pernah alami!! sgt sakit! dan aku nekad amik MC utk kelas swimming.. mmg tk tertahan!!!

selepas bercuti akhir tahun, waktu sukan paralimpiad kat melaka, klau korg realize, aku pakai shade je sbb nk sorok mata aku yg sakit.. virus mana yg serang pun aku tk tau!! (ada kwn ckp it was d effect of gunung merapi...), n the conjuctivities make my 2 weeks of holiday suffer!! aku terlantar je kt umah, tingkap cermin dan langsir menjadi peneman.. hanya bergelap siang dn mlm aku!! its disaster!!! tp kt sini laa betapa Tuhan uji kekuatan aku.. aku sendiri melihat betapa syukurnya kesempurnaan yg diberikan selama ini!! (sampai satu tahap, aku mengajar diri aku utk tgk TV jauh2, bukak laptop only for purpose) semua ni sebab nk ensure my sight sense terjaga.. mmg dahsyat pengalaman sakit mata ni walaupun penderitaan tu tk laa smpi mcm sakit gigi..

n finally, minggu terakhir 2010, pun demam gak.. (masa menulis post ni pun masih terasa tk sedap badan) sampai aku jd tk faham apsal body aku ni lemah sgt.. tp aku gagahkan gak diri, go for the tuition as usual.. bdn aku jd sgt lemah n my stomach just become very fatigue!! mcm ada butterfly tgh terbang over my stomach.. hurrrm,,,

tp apa yg penting, sepanjang demam, mak aku buatkan air asam, letakkan kain kat kepala.. walaupun sebenarnya mak aku pun tgh demam pd waktu yg sama.. just imagine?? ada ke doktor yg akn buat camtu?? my answer is NO!!! my mom is the most awesome doctor yg aku ada!!! sehinga aku terfikir kn best klau demam sepanjang hidup.. hehe..