My lecturer for subject instructional technology hd chnge, meaning dat i dont need another posting regarding the task!!! in other words, tk yh nk post benda2 mengarut jek (as what i had post for the last 2 weeks)..
skrg, back to my original Saiful.. haha!! as usual, as long we live and breathe, we r facing lot of things dat some we can share, but others keep as personal secret.. so, what happen for this last few days since my last post??
UiTM.. seperti biasa, bermula semester, bermula laa busy yg amat.. lot things come over and over, asgnmnt dh jd mknn rutin... but diz sem lg mencabar, kepercayaan rakan2, dat need me to become the director of d project, kena buat tour ke sekolah area shah alam.. (very hard.. n still work on it...), then nk kena handle bowling tournamnet plak.. hurmmm.. hope everything goin' smooth n silky! haha! (I think i'm excellent on handling stress laa..).. kwn2 pun ok je.. mcm biasa.. off course, semakin matang handle situation.. (from what i observe laaa ) hurrmmm.. tk yh cite byk laa.. lot to comes..
SCHOOL.. (or do i need to mention as personal life.. huhu..) since Iqram went to MRSM Merbok on 7th Feb, nothing change, life goes on.. (Doakan kejayaan utk adik yg aku syg ni).. kwn2 die pun might feel d same way too.. biarla die berjuang utk kejayaan die.. time for him to look diz world in other view.. member2 die pun dh ok.. let the past gone.. Indah sebenarnya harga sebuah kemaafan ni.. my student yg lain2, akmal dh jumpe dunia baru.. dh pandai berlakon plak!! hehe..
great bro!! tumpang bahagia dgn kamu.. but, jgn lupe diri plak.. keep all the quality on urself k?? Aqim?? chemistry from the same gen dgn iqram buat connection yg kuat dgn student yg sorg ni... u never realize ur best quality rite?? hurmm... yg paling kecik plak, syahmi... haish!!! byk btol dgr cite trok pasal bdk sorg ni.. gangster sekolah plak ek?? but let them think that way, i know u deep inside ur heart.. cant wait to mengajar balik kt skolh.. hehe.. n yg lain2.. tk kn nk mention over kt sini kn?? ttp enjoy laaa dgn korg!!!
me?? hurmmm.. kehidupan spt biasa, spending time with all of u guys is a great moment ever laa!!
soulmate?? ntah laa.. dat is d empty part need to fill up.. (selalu mencurah kasih syg, tp sukar menerima kasih syg..) doakan laa semoga cepat bertemu jodoh.. Amin...
owh, another thing is, the opportunity need to be grab!! siapa kata education n marketing tkde chemstry?? diz is what i'm goin to do now.. doakan kejayaan buat aku,... lot to tell, but malas nk menaip.. moga bertemu lagi next time... chiow!!